Summary of Workshops

Workshop 1- “Schema Therapy – The Model, Methods & Techniques (Introductory/ Intermediate) (3 days)

This workshop will help attendees gain a thorough understanding of the Schema

Therapy model and provide an extensive platform for learning new skills and

techniques used in Schema Therapy.  The workshop will address both the schema

and mode models. The training is skills based, with multiple opportunities to learn

complex techniques for working with difficult-to- treat clinical populations.

If you have attended 1 or 2 day workshops in the past, this workshop will still

provide you with a good platform for learning and practicing skills. The workshop

has a large proportion of time set aside for role play and coaching of skills.

We aim to have 1 presenter for every 18 attendees, allowing participants to have

optimum coaching, observation and adequate supervision of skills.


Workshop 2- “Schema Therapy- Beyond the Basics” (3 days) 

This workshop will assist those with some background in Schema Therapy in

developing and fine-tuning skills. The workshop will also specifically look at the

implementation of treatment for Borderline Personality disorder as well as

Narcissism. Clients will have extensive opportunity to practice experiential exercises

such as imagery & chair-work. In addition, time will be allocated to commonly

experienced difficulties such as working with the detached protector and parent



Please note, above costs are for stand-alone workshops only. If you wish to

complete a certification program please see the certification page. The cost of

certification includes coursework noted above, as well as combined supervision and

rating of taped sessions.


Specialist Workshops:

“Schema Therapy for Eating Disorders”

” My Schemas and Me: How to Increase Self Awareness, Resilience & Improve Therapeutic Outcomes”